How to Use Micro Grinding Mill?
Date:2016-06-04 02:17:40
Today we tell you about the use of Micro Grinding Mill, hoping it be helpful in your future use of the process to improve the yield of products, and service life.1, Micro Grinding Mill and power units should be installed securely. If the Micro Grinding Mill is operated for long-term, it should be fixed on the basis of cement. If the Micro Grinding Mill is a mobile operation, the unit should be installed in the machine base made with angle iron, and ensure power machine (diesel or electric motor) and the mill pulley groove in the same plane of rotation.
2, After the installation, you should check ministries fastening fastener of Micro Grinding Mill to be tightened or loose. If loose, you tighten it. At the same time you should check if the belt tightness is appropriate.
3, before start the Micro Grinding Mill, rotate the rotor by hand, check if the tooth claw hammer and rotor operation is flexible and reliable, there is with or without shell collision phenomenon. And you should be sure that The direction of rotation of the rotor coincides with the machine direction of the arrow, power machine and grinder lubrication is good.
4, it should not replace the pulley, or high speed will make grinding chamber of Micro Grinding Mill explode, and low speed will affect the efficiency of the mill.
5, After 2 ~ 3min of idling of Micro Grinding Mill, it begin to work if there is no abnormal feeding phenomenon.
6, You should always pay attention to the functioning of Micro Grinding Mill, To prevent clogging and stuffy car. Do not let the machine overload for a long time. If there is vibration, noise, bearing and body temperature is too high, out spray material and so on, should immediately stop to do inspection, troubleshooting before continuing to work.
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